Trees Near Power Lines

Trees and shrubs are an important part of our environment and we encourage plantings as long as the trees or shrubs planted near power lines cannot grow to a height that would put them in contact with the power lines.

Be aware that if your trees damage a power line you could be held responsible for the cost of repairs including any damage to a third party. 

If there is a power line within the fall distance of your tree, consider if its advisable to remove the offending tree or, at least talk to your advisor about taking out public liability insurance.

View our "Trees, powerlines, and you - A property owner's guide to maintaining a safe and secure electricity supply" information brochure.

  • Do not plant trees, shrubs or hedges directly under overhead lines. You can plant low growing trees, shrubs or hedges alongside power lines; click here for further information or request guidance from our Supervisor.

  • Trees on private land and near private lines are the responsibility of land and line owners.

  • Tree cutting safety:

If there are 4 metres or more clearance between trees and a power line (and there is no possibility that they could encroach 4 metres at any time), there is no need to contact Network Waitaki. Trees can be trimmed by yourself or any contractor.

If trees are less than 4 meters from a power line then only a network approved contractor can trim them. Please contact Network Waitaki and allow some time for communication between us and our approved contractor.

If trees require a power outage to safely trim them, then additional charges may apply. Allow sufficient time to arrange the outage between Network Waitaki and the contractor.

  • Council Trees

Waitaki District Council has its own contractors to undertake tree work. For any enquiries regarding council trees and power lines contact Waitaki District Council on 0800 108 081.

  • Tree Felling or Forestry Work 

Any forestry work which requires tree felling within 2 tree lengths of a power line must have written approval by Network Waitaki. This is a requirement of Worksafe New Zealand.

  • Approved Tree Workers

Only Network Waitaki approved arborists and operators of mobile mechanical trimming of trees, hedges and shelter belts may carry out work within 4 metres of a power line. There may be additional charges if power needs to be switched off to trim your trees.


  • Network Waitaki Vegetation (03 433 0065)
  • Apogee Tree Services - Francis (027 460 6472)

Mobile Mechanical tree/hedge Trimming:

  • Hedgetek/K South (Kerry): 021 172 5659

Forestry / Mechanical Tree Felling:

  • Purvis Earthworks (Grant): 027 497 7091


For further information please see the Tree Regulation Guidelines.

Click here for No-interest tree request

Click here for Notes on declaring no-interest in trees.

Have you received a Tree Notice?
Here's a flow chart to explain the process:


Below is a real example of trees that are too close to power lines.

Trees over 11Kv B4 clearing started