Power Outages
Current Unplanned Power Outages
Unplanned power outages are not currently updated on our website or the map below. We are currently developing software to be able to share this with you shortly.
In the meantime please check our Facebook page for information regarding significant power outages: www.facebook.com/NetworkWaitaki or call us on 0800 440 220 if you are experiencing a fault or require further information.
Please note that power may be restored at any time. It is essential that all lines, electrical installations, and wiring must be treated as live at all times and precautions should be taken regarding appliances and sensitive electronic equipment.
You should have received a notification from us about your planned outage. If you haven't please let us know - 0800 440 220.
Dates and locations are subject to change. Network Waitaki regrets any inconvenience and will restore power as quickly as possible.
Scheduled Power Outages
The map below shows the areas where your power may be off or scheduled to be off for planned maintenance over the next month.
There are three tabs on the map to view -
- Outages that are happening today
- Future planned outages
- And outages that have been completed in the last 7 days.
Map Legend:
Scheduled power outage
Unplanned power outage